
Dropping like Bees!

So on Friday May 23,2008 Collin texted me and asked if a bunch of us would like to go to a baseball game, I enjoy baseball and it sounded like fun.. I texted Casey,Lauren, & Kelsi. Kelsi was already going and Lauren was working (Shocker) and when I asked Casey, she gave that a solid no, little to her dismay she made it to her very first baseball game, Which I insured her would be one of the funest times of her life.... We got there and Collin asked if we had brought a blanket, we didnt understand the question... Why would we need a blanket? On thats cause we were siting on the grass.... Pretty sure we went and bought a blanket which ended up saving our lifes.

(Casey typing now) No, not a Bees blanket, but a Jazz blanket (we wanted one of a team we actually liked). Pretty sure that we found the ugliest family in the world at the bees game (key word: Magna). Did you know that there are nine innings in a baseball game? But there are fantastic fireworks after! Hahahaha, so the game wasn't really fun, so Elise will now have karma bite her in the ass mwahahaha. The Bees put on a good performance, we lost 17-4. So today I went to church with the Madsen clan to watch Emily speak and she did a most excellent job (Shout out to Em!). Bill later told me that I will soon be moving into the middle bedroom of the house. ( Elise typing now) Casey loved the baseball game, I have decided that major league baseball is better then the minors. Now after ems amazing talk we went to cheesecake and now we are baking (breath its real) cakes and brownies... both are favs. while baking we are watching you tube and bloging of course. But if you haven't seen the Taylor Swift Live go to this and watch right now! Its amazing!! You will die!

Well people we have to go frost are goodies now,but we love all and will write soon!

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