
I seem to believe that I am Wonder Woman.... Problem?

Superwoman can do anything, and everything! While looking good doing it! It doesn't matter how bad it looks at the time she can do it and even have time to spare. Now sometimes I believe that I am wonder woman. Heads up I know that I am not.... And here is why, Procrastination is always my down fall. (That's the only one haha)  I can always find something else "I need" to do first, example like last night: I "needed" to watch the new episode of Glee before I started my study guide for a test that was today. Now luckily I got it done and I took the test.... But this is only the beginning of the next two days of crap I have to deal with because I have put it off. Tonight I get to do another study guide and take the test tomorrow and then, yes you guessed it I get to do it all over again.  Yeah I'm super stoked about it. This is pretty much how I am feeling

Now you could be wondering why I am blogging instead of studying, but I'm in class right now, and the notes are online (I'll be fine, no worries!)

So after I get through all of these tests I will be on my way with some amazing besties on a CRUISE  to MEXICO! with only SUNNY SKIES and NO SCHOOL!
                                               (The boat we will be on!)

I just can't wait till Friday!! 

El viernes es cuando comienza la diversión con los mejores amigos, cielos soleados, playas y recuerdos que durarán toda una vida!    Yes, this is in Spanish! 

1 comment:

Elizabeth June said...

Hah I love this post! And the spanish part. I actually could read it. LOVE YOU! P.s. you are being super woman for halloween this year.