
It's Time

Yes I know what your are thinking... Why does Elise and Casey even have a blog since they never update it. Well I went through a phase of not loving blogging, but now I'm back on the band wagon. Mostly because during this time in my life so many things are changing. My friends are getting married, moving away, getting real jobs and ahhh... I'm just trying to keep up. so this blog will hopefully keep everyone informed!
Summer is almost over, and right now I couldn't be more conflicted about it. I'm so sad that the lounging is coming to a close but I couldn't be more excited to start taking classes that I care about and I know are going to take me a step closer to graduating college! Which is far away but not a problem haha.
As for the summer Emilee and I went to California for a month, Which is dream for me, I am in love with California! The only small problem was that we went for the month of June and no one told us about June gloom... Super cold, but we still had one great time. Casey came out for a week and we packed that week full of super fun! We went to knotts berry farm and it was a new experience for everyone. It was the perfect time to go because the kids were still and school and it was a random week day. We walked on most the rides and rode them as many times as we wanted, what a prefect time. We also went to Disneyland of course, which was great as always especially with people I love.
We also met one of the funniest people in this world... Russel Brand! That is correct the Russel Brand. He was doing a documentary called Buy love here. Where you trade in things you no longer want or need for something in the store that you want. Casey and I didn't really understand (mostly because Russel didn't explain it that well... we now look back and think he did that on purpose for his benefit) I brought a travel brush that I never leave home with, honestly it has been everywhere with me and a calling card (which was a joke... It was meant to seen as like, how much does a pretty girls number cost.... it's priceless) So as we are waiting in line the nice people with cameras are interviewing us, needless to say we got more excited and then they let us in. I found this amazing hat box, and Casey decide that she wanted the shirt Russel was wearing. To get the item you want you have to go through Russel. I went first and I will just say right now I got verbally abused. I loved every moment of it, I was dying! He told me that he would not except my cracker jack box shiz (My brush) and he is getting married so why would he need a girls number.... Well ok then hahaha He then gave me ten minutes to go get something else and try again. I went running out of the store to find something I could bring back, there was no way I was going to let him win! Casey learning from what happen to me decided to not try and trade her reusable bag and she traded the sweatshirt of her back for a shirt. He was all about it and she got the shirt. As for me, I came back with a shirt that I bought and gave him a sob story and well I got my amazing hat box! I have to say that it was a hilarious experience.
After the month away we came back to SLC where it was warm, thank the heavens! Emilee and Vanessa and I went to the Justin Bieber concert. Yes We know that he is 16, but he is an entertainer! The concert was so much fun, We made shirts that said Bieber babes (Pictures to come) but one thing we didn't expect was how piercing little girls screams are! But it was amazing concert and all the little girls loved our shirts and we weren't the oldest ones there. All in all it was a win!
Ahh there is so much to write about it but from now on I'm going to try and write more often so the posts wont be so long and random. (I hope some of this made sense)

1 comment:

swensen squeeze said...

Seriously? it is about &#!!@# time that you updated your blog! see you tomorrow!!