
Grown up?

When does this happen? I feel as if in an instant I have just grown up, But really it happened all with in a couple of months. My good friend Katie just went on vacation in August to DC and decided she loved it there and is currently looking for a good job. Casey lands an amazing job in Chicago and moves with out much warning (A mean I needed to prepare for this! Im still in the beginning stages of grief, AHH I just miss her so much... and if your are reading this which I bet you will -don't be afraid to visit LOTS!!! Love you more that you will ever know..... "Some people have boyfriends I have you") And my good friend Ryder gets married (September 30th because he hates the month October). And I picked a major! Elementary Education, it's so perfect for me. I want to teach kindergarten to 3rd or 4th grade.
Anywho I would just love to know when we all decide to grow up. I feel like Im ready to grow up and in a way I'm so NOT ready. But everyone does it I guess- it just sneaks up on you. So much change.. Im still spinning but this is what makes life right? the moments you don't plan for. So here is to living the unplanned life!

P.S. We can all thank Beth for making my blog look SO much better and for not letting me go insane with all this change! She is my Serena to my Blair, love you.

1 comment:

Elizabeth June said...

I love this! And I love you!!!