
Things I am obsessed with

So I went to California for two weeks with the family. It was such a fun trip as per usual we shopped, we ate, we pooled, we watched movies together, we slept! Exactly what I was dying for, just a break from school. On this trip my parents discovered Lululemon. Lets get something straight except my dad, no one works out. But that didn't stop us from buying one of everything in the store. I am obsessed with Lululemon, its a tad bit unhealthy. So from now on if all you see me in is spandex, the answer is no, I did not just come, or am going to go workout. It's just so freaking cute, confortable, and I look super sporty in it, that I can't stop from wearing it all day long!

Now Im back home for a week and working my butt of to finnish my two online classes, and then Im leaving for a week vacation with the family to Florida. We are going to HARRY POTTER WORLD AND DISNEY WORLD! Could life get any better I ask you. (if you are wondering the answer is no)

Now while I have been "schooling"I have taken a ton a breaks, shocker I know. I went and saw Crazy Stupid Love.... Easily in my top 5. If you haven't seen it, GO..... Right Now! It's that good. 

Also I am obsessed with these two videos right now-
Remind me By Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood

Best thing I never had- Beyonce 
-Thank me later

And last, during my blog stalking I came across these two things and felt like they needed to be shared.
I was laughing so hard when I read this chart. Words to live by haha

  Alright so I am obsessed with more things but this is all you get for now. Love you all-E


Becca said...

Elise! Becca Foster (Clason) here. I was thinking about you and your sister the other day, so I checked out your facebook pages. I saw that you had a blog, so I subscribed to it in my google reader. I was reading through your post today, and I saw the texting chart that I made! Awesome. I'm glad it's somewhat making rounds around the interwebs.

Anyway, we should be blog friends.

P.S. I think I need some lululemon gear.

Becca said...

oh yeah, this is my blog: http://beccer.blogspot.com/