
Jumping out of a plane willingly.... Um... Yeah, Sound Good- Normal!

So last Saturday Meg, Katelyn, Ky, and I went SKYDIVING! Yes you read that correctly SKYDIVING. If you know me at all, this doesn't seem like something I would actually follow through with. I have always said that I wanted to go, but never thought I actually would. But it was truly such a fun, amazing, once in a life time experience!
We decided to go to Skydiving Ogden because that is the highest point in Utah that you can skydive from, which is 12,000 FEET! Um.. heads up thats a long distance... just saying! Oh well Go big or Go home! So we go there 15 minutes before our appointment time and starting filling out paper work. It was like signing my life away, but really I had to write out that I knew this could end in serious injury and or death. OH ok, that sounds fine- singing .. done. We went and turned it in all got the photo and video package, duh so needed!

We ended up waiting for TWO HOURS. during this time we tried to keep ourselves busy, and keep my mind from changing. Finally they yelled out our names to come and get suited up and meet the people that we were going to jump with. My guy Tommy was super crazy, but I guess you have to be for this to be your job. He was loud and fun and got my mond off what I was about to do. My video and photo man was Nick and he was just the same. They were the best hands down, so fun and amazing at there job.
We all jumped into the plane and started going up... there was no turning back. Oddly enough I was calm and super excited! Then the time came, katleyn was the first to go, then Ky, Meg and then me. Of course I would be last, typical. It was actually fun to see everyone jump. Then I was up, we were a the edge of the plane and I just closed my eyes and we jumped. Honestly it was incredible! You don't get that roller coaster dropping feeling, its just like floating. The video is hysterical. When we jump out of the plane it looks like I am fainting or going to throw up, and on the way down I'm doing the rock on sign and waving ect. I tried making a heart, but it didn't really work out haha. I loved every minute of this adventure. Tommy and I did turns and all sorts of things while we were free falling. Then he pulled the shoot and just slowly came down to the ground. We landed and I was on such an adrenaline high I wanted to go again!!! At the end of my video its me yelling about how amazing it was and how "bomb" I was!
So this experience was truly amazing and I loved every moment of it. I think everyone should go at least once in there lives. Now here is an overload of photos- enjoy! 
 Us killing time
 Why are we doing this again?
 Suit Up!
 Us ready to go!
 Meg and I in the plane
 Me jumping out
 SO excited!

 why I close me eyes I will never know!
 Us doing spinns 
 The heart that went wrong

 Us after the jump!
us with our certificates!


Lauren Rawlings said...

I had no idea you had a blog! I am so glad you found me.....this means I can stalk you now. Haha hope that's ok? I can't believe you went skydiving too. You are crazy. I think I'd rather be eaten by a shark then do that. Ps. Missed you in Jackson this year.

al + sar said...

Haha I agree with LaLa...so glad you have a blog--and glad that you found me! Now I can keep tabs on you and your fun life!