
New Year!

Woe I am back! 
Who knew a vacation and the beginning of school would make me neglect my blog... 
Never again!

Lets get caught up shall we.

Christmas was such a delight! 
We had the unique pleasure of getting up to be ready for 9am church. 
I was more then excited to wake up at the crack of dawn on Christmas.

After we returned home from church we all got back into our Christmas pjs and went into the living room to see what Santa brought us.

 I was very super spoiled this year!
 I got the camera that I had been drooling over (now I just need to find a camera bag) from Santa.
Billy got me a poster of Justin Bieber, along with the powerbeats that he didn't want! (Score)
Emilee got me this amazing leather bound Peter Pan book, and Coco Chanel- two of my favorite things
I got some more gifts that were just as amazing and thoughtful! 
Christmas was a success! 

The day after Christmas my family boarded a plane to NYC (at 8am)
We got into to town and immediately checked in and went straight to Jrs. 
We ate to our hearts content and then the parents wanted to go to bed.
 So we let them go to bed and the kids went out and ran around Times Square, taking tons of photos!  

 Of course we had to go to the Disney store. 
We were looking around and noticed that they re-did all the Barbies! 
So we went around and put together all the girls with there boys and had a blast! 
Here is just two examples... because to put up the rest would take over my blog, otherwise they would all go up!

 Every day we slept, ate, and shopped!
 It didn't matter what weather conditions came, we shopped till our hearts content.  
 One day it was raining so hard that it was turning umbrellas inside out!
 Luckily Emilee and I had umbrellas, and tried to share with the family.. But that never works, so they got some crappy ones
 and we all braved the streets.
 It took Billy and I a thousand years to get this picture but I have to say it was worth it. 
 While shopping in Soho I made my family go out of the way to go to the Kardashians store! Because I have an obsession with them 
(said it and meant it!)
and had to go to their store. 
Their store looks so big on the show, but in reality its very tinny.
 And it was slutty expensive... so depressing! 
BUT I had to get something so I got a Kardashion pink nail polish.  
On another note one of my good friends, Parker moved to NYC what feels like forever ago, and it was so lucky because Eddy (our other great friend) was in town!!!
 Then night before New Years we got together and had an amazing dinner, SO needed. 
I missed my boys.
 And to boot we went dancing... Such a fun and amazing time. 
Thanks boys!

Flash back
 New Years Eve 
last year Billy and I did the Times Square thing.
We stood for EIGHT HOURS!
It was....Well we decided that it was a once in a life time thing!

Flash forward to this year...
and lets take into account that everyday leading up to new years I told Billy we had to go to see Justin Bieber! He always said: "NO"
As the day came we got ready for the day with the family and were about to go get some lunch.
As we were walking away from Times Square Billy kept saying 
"Don't you want to go? I don't want to go shopping"... ect
Then I went to scope out the scene.
If we left right then we could get into a an area right to the right of the stage.
Well Billy and Justin made me say- 
"What the hell? Yes, lets do it."
Those are the words that I will somewhat regret.

We stood for....
Which during these hours it rained
And it was so crowded you couldn't really move 
(ps- your body is not made for that)
 these pic were taken about 2-3 hours in. 
We started watching 30Rock through netflix on his phone- the connection sucked so we only watched about 2 episodes.
Then we listened to some music... After 4 hours I was SO over it! 
So I started taking a bunch of photos....
 These last four pictures were taken when the ball dropped! 
And we were very excited about it!!!
 We ended up seeing Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Pit Bull, Drake ect...
But if you count all the time you see these celebrity it adds up to about an hour.
Ok so it was fun for about two hours....


 The next day my mom, billy and I went to Central Park to go ice skating!! 
I was dead set on it. But the line was 3 or so hours long, and then you might be able to skate.
So my mother told me that we were not waiting and we can ice skate at home. 
But on the up side we got to walk through Central Park (Which we had never done)   

Then to drown my sorrows Billy and I went to the plaza to drink hot chocolate and eat ice cream! And it was truly amazing, I was made for the plaza!
And on a side note I would/will get married there.

The next day we went had to leave the ever enchanting NYC.

Now I am just starting Spring semester, and figuring out my school schedule..
 and I am already counting down the days to our next break!

So there is a nutshell version of what has been going on, and I promise to never neglect the blog again.
love you all

1 comment:

Kelly said...

The picture of you, Parker and Eddie is my favorite! The best boys! and you look gorgeous!