
"Because we are in college!"

Because we are in college we have to do things that are crazy, fun! Things we never thought we would do OR even things we never wanted to do, But if we don't do it in college when would we do it?
Well I have got invited to go to the the Jazz game and let me just say this as a random side note... I have a weird obsession with Fesenko. Yes that is correct Fes, he is just so awkwardly beautiful hahaha. Anywho back to the story at hand we didn't want to pay our weight in parking so Eddy and Beth decided that tracks were the way to go.... I could not have been more against this plan. but here is why. The last time I was on tracks a man threw up on my shoes.... I had never gone back, it was scaring! But I had no choice and well we went on tracks. It actually wasn't that bad, nothing horrible happened while we were riding and well we got some pretty amazing pictures and that's what is important!
Because we are in college Beth convinced me that we should camp out in front of the stadium for the Black Out game (U of U football) and we had to because the ESPN Game Day show was going to be taping in the morning. We all know I do not camp. And who wants to camp in Utah in NOVEMBER? Oh I will tell you who... College kids. Lucky it was a record high temperature for the night before and game day and game day itself. We went to Beth's house and got all the essentials like a tent, sleeping bags, and warm cloths. We went to the stadium and set up the tent and met some super fun people who we danced the night way with and my new friend Luke and I somehow got into the stadium... I got way to scared we would get caught and I was out as fast as I got in haha. At around 4:30am security came and woke everyone up and said we had to clean up and line up for the show.. but in you didn't have a wrist band you couldn't line up. Beth and I didn't have the special wrist bands, so we got to pack up and got to Beth's for some sleep. The night was so much fun and yes Beth you were right... the night was so fun and I am glad we did it! PIctures of the camping to come! But enjoy so pictures of the tracks :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth June said...

We are in college!!! WOO HOO!