
It just happens... to me

Coke, some would say that I am addicted to it.. And I'm not going to lie, I am. I can't go a day with out having one, It quench my thirst. So while I was in the library I started getting a huge headache and I will be the first to say I was a little on edge. When I realized that I decided this was happening because I had been studying to hard and that I hadn't had a coke all day. So I grabbed my i-pod to walk to the cafe with my music blaring to get the beverage that would fix all. When I got there I saw, Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke, Coke Zero..... And without thinking a said rather loudly "SHIT". When I turned around everyone was looking at me. And the first thing that came out was "They're out of regular Coke." and then I ran away. What a movie moment!

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