
Always an update

Hello, it seems like it has been forever since I last blogged, but it has only been ten days.... I seem to be addicted, judge me. So here is the deal:
I have been so busy with school. Five classes... what the Hell was I thinking. I get stressed usually taking four classes when they are full term classes. Currently I am taking a math class (a low one at that) And it started a week after spring semester ended and ends this Wednesday. This sounds delightful, expect the fact that you have to learn at an accelerated level! We are covering 3-5 sections a day+ that Im not super great with math=Not great.
Im also taking a Special Education class that ends the same day. Again learning so much and reading out of control for it. But I enjoy most of it so its all good.
And then Im taking two online classes- I have never taken an online class before and it had been fantastic and horrible at the same time. Horrible because I forget Im even in the classes and then rushing to read and to the work and take the tests. Fantastic because I dont have to sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture and do it on my own terms which seems to most the time be frantic to catch up. For example: I forgot that I was enrolled in TWO online classes so when I remembered and checked out the class I had 7 chapters to read (these are not small amounts) and fill out outlines. Write a paper and two discussion posts and study and take a test this friday. OK well since Im not busy trying to finish up my other classes this is a piece of cake.  Luckily I have actually just finished the paper and discussions and have read 4 chapters. I feel so on top of things haha
I also have a two week class that starts in July... So Im pretty excited for August to get here.

NO but really things are going well. And the best thing that I have done lately, call me shallow I don't care is gotten Eyelash extensions.  Yes this may should a bit odd but they are so amazing. I ADORE them. I honestly don't have to put on makeup anymore and I might be baisas but I look good!
I just makes them look thicker and always dark, long and beautiful. It makes my eyes pop! This is what they look like on some chick (not me) I haven't taken any photos lately but when I do you can expect to see my kick ass eyelashes!

Anywho I have a math quiz I sincerely need to rock tomorrow so I am off to study, which seems to be my summer modo, and yes I do feel a bit depressed about it. 

1 comment:

Casey Loves Chicago said...

Can't wait to see these warlocks (re: your eyelashes). I love you.