

So here is what is going on..... Saturday was Katelyns Birthday! She turned 20 and for her birth we all went to dinner (Beth, Landon, Meg, and Me) at Salt Lake City Burger Company. AMAZING! So good, you all need to go right now! I dont care if you think you are not hungry, you are for this amazing food!  And then we had cake and started watching One Tree Hill from the beginning. It was all around a beautiful day and I hope she loved it! Cause we all loved celebrating her!

Also Megs and I just took our math mid-term today. We studied our butts off, and went to take it and we both did well (I hope) The study guide just said study all the chapters and sections we have gone over.... ok thats to be expected, but I was still an overwhelming amount... And then there was this one problem that I'm pretty positive that no one got because A.) it was worded very weird B.) We had never had to do a problem that hard like that  C.) That is just rude to through that kind of intense problem on the test when there was no way that we could have or should have been able to prepare for it. I went and asked if I was on the right track, and explained what I thought he wanted and all he said was "I can't tell you anything." Oh ok... thanks a bunch! Usually I would drop it and say whatever I missed one... no there was only about 10 questions. Missing one is a big deal, and I couldn't be more angry about it! Ahh live and learn I guess... 

This week is filled with reading and tests. I guess its mid-terms for summer school... which is never my favorite time. Summer school... what was I thinking, I hate it! But the good news is that two of my classes are over by June 22. Two of my classes are on-line (which I should take a look at.... that can't be great) and one other one is a two week class in the middle of July. So its a bit spread out, but honestly I would like a vacation from school.... Some warm weather, friends, and food! 

Shout outs: 
Casey who I get to see in less then 17 day!! 
 Beth who gets MARRIED in 17 days... Oh my gosh that is so soon! I couldn't be more excited for this event! 
 Katie who I had the pleasure of talking to today for over an hour (which never happens for us!)
 And to my Cali love Katherine who always calls to check in! 
I just want to also say I have the best friends a girl could ask for..... I feel truly blessed! 

Alright enough with the sappy stuff eh.... watch this trailer for this movie I can't wait to see and tell me your heart doesn't just melt. (If it doesn't then I hate to tell you.... you are stone cold.... reevaluate your life!)

Thank me latter.... But it doesn't come out till FEBRUARY.... yeah rude! 


Casey Loves Chicago said...

I love you all. Surrrriously.

Elizabeth June said...

I love this! And I love you so much! Thanks for being the best best friend ever!