
My Eyelids Are Burning...

Are very sporadic trip to St. George was amazing! We honestly had such a blast! We tanned A LOT because the average temperature was 100-106.... Um yeah I felt like I was melting, and shocker I did in fact turn into a lobster. And to add to the heat our AC broke in the condo... It was a blast trying to sleep with a sunburn and no AC. BUT We also had major dance parties to the oldies and we went and saw a firework show and also came with a live county band. LOVED it! But really what we did was just chat for 3-4 days, sorry we all are the same person. This trip was truly so much fun!
 4th of July Concert and Fierworks
 Dance Party to the Oldies
 Swim Time
Who knows... 

Since the trip I have been peeling like a man girl, it looks like I have a disease, whatever its fine! So last night me eyes were KILLING me. itching out of control. So I just itched them... Not my smartest move because I did indeed itch them raw! I had to go get ice packs for my eyes last night while I was laying in bed, trying to soothe with raw and added bonus swollen eyes. Unreal! How do I fix this, most products say Do not get near EYES. Ummm that doesn't seem to be helping me. So if anyone knows how to fix this I am all eyes (haha ears really, I am puny!)
I also started a two week class that has been nothing but fun! We made self portraits from construction paper and made the "perfect classroom" out of play doh. But I have a 4 page paper due tomorrow... Not great! But I am heading to write it right now... ish. haha!

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