
Billy is how old?

Today my favorite little brother turns Sweet SIXTEEN!
Can you believe it... I feel like just yesterday he was 2 years old.
Billy is the sweetest boy you will ever meet.
He believes he is a rapper...
He is super sporty, (he will be pro soccer player for sure) funny, adorable
He has the great ability to make you feel better if you are having a rough day
I cant spend enough time with him!

Here are a few memories that I will treasure forever:
-Standing for 8 hours straight to see the ball drop on New Years.. A one time thing!
-Teaching him how to drive
-Listening to you while you rap/sing in the shower, when you think no one can hear you.
-Watching you play in soccer tournaments. Amazing
-Dressing you up in girl clothes when you were little.... And once for Halloween when he was 13. Priceless
-Him kicking my trash (and my boyfriends trash) in any Video Games
-Golf dates
-Introducing you to you Coke and new foods.... (Thank me later)
-Dinner dates

There are so many billions more but Billy just know that I love you an unhealthy amount! You are the best brother in the entire world. Hope your day is truly fantastic and know that since you didn't get your drivers license on time that means I get to drive your super sexy car

Waring: Picture over load...  it had to happen.

 Here is a few photos of billy as a baby.. cause he was the cutest baby ever!

Billy's birthday in 08- He was 13
Hahaha Look at Billy's delicate features 
 When the ball dropped 

 Today when he pulled up in his new car!