
finals... ahh really

So here is the deal, all my teachers decided that they would move there finals to the week before "finals week" in order to help the students study for their test and others. OK well that would have been super great until I realized that most my teachers decided to so this. So this last week was literally hell for me. Let me break it down for you.
-Monday: I had a power point presentation due on infant mortality = come on, really? Did it the night before because lets be honest I chose to block it... probably because it was such a depressing topic.
-Tuesday: I had a final group project, really.. I had the whole class singing "Old MacDonald" in a round.. the group and the teacher loved it. Started my 15 page paper.. and my computer crashed at the end of the night. To say I was not happy would be an understatement.
-Wednesday: I had to restart my 15 page paper and my Three 6 page papers... all due Friday
-Thursday: I worked on all my papers all day and then I realized that I would have to work though the night to finish. (And also work on my study guide for my final the net day. Lucky Kimiko was in my class and basically did it all. I owe her HUGE!) As I was working I was watching the royal wedding live through YouTube in my room when 3:30 am rolls around and my mother walks in my room with her nightgown on with her pillow and blanket in hand. I thought she was sleep walking, she then told me that we had to move to the theatre room to watch the royal wedding together because this was "history in the making." How could I fight with that! We watched the royal wedding, which was completely amazing. Kate looked so beautiful! And her and William looked so happy. Lets be honest,  I have royal wedding fever!

-Friday: I slept for a solid 5 hours and woke up to finish my papers and study for my final. All my papers were due at 4, and I had to turn in a hard copy so at 3:40 (because I lost track of time) I started for the U. While driving to the U I got pulled over going 70 in a 45. FML.... I didn't cry or anything I answered the cop honestly and told him my dilemma and the sweet soul just gave me a warning! I could not have been more excited! I got them in with a minute to spare and then went straight to take my final. I feel ok about it but who really knows at this point. I have one final to go and then spring semester will be done! I can't wait. After my huge week break I go back for summer school.... Not looking forward to it.
After I got thought those stressful days I got to go on a amazing fun date in Park City. We went to a lecture by Sir Kent Robinson, he was amazing and surprisingly funny. We had a blast!
-Saturday: I went to lunch with Vanessa, we chatted for 2 1/2 hours and then we went to sell back out books. Since I had never done this though my college career I had over 22 books to take back... I received $426 back. Yes that is really, in cash! I cant wait to go spend it...let be honest.
After the University we got a huge group and went and saw Fast Five. AMAZING! I want to see it again for real.  

-Sunday: Katelyn moved in to the Madsen house hold for a few days! We couldn't be more excited to have her! We are all currently "studying" for our last finals and well we are just dancing around the kitchen singing Glee songs.. Shocked? You shouldn't be!

Well blog world school is why I haven't been around and been dead to all my friends. So sorry to all, but I have to get back to do some real studying. Talk to you soon! 

Oh and P.S. Think Spring thoughts and maybe Spring will finally show up in Utah!

1 comment:

Casey Loves Chicago said...

Ahhhh tell Katelyn I want my room kept in PRISTINE condition.