
Getting Older

So while my little brother was taking his drivers test he almost did not pass because he was super close to failing the eye exam. 
So my parents decided to make him an eye appointment...naturally. 
So at Sunday dinner before his appointment we got to talking...
And while I was making fun of him my parents decided that I need to get an exam too, because we couldn't remember the last time I had one.... 
So I went in on Monday and found out that my right eye is super awesome 20/20! 
But my left eye- not so much.... I mean it's not super bad...It's just a few corrections in the left eye.
And one little correction in the right.

This means I had (or got to) to get glasses. 
I don't have to wear them all the time, just when needed.
And since I have never had contacts or glasses before, picking out glasses was a nightmare! 
At first nothing looks good, because your not used to seeing yourself in glasses...
But I ended up getting two pairs. 
I got a pair of solid red... Super fun and cute ones!
Then I am getting a normal-ish pair too. 
The red ones where ready today, and the others will take a bit longer.... 
but here is a pic of me in the cute red ones!



Page and Joey said...

You look SO good in you new, cute glasses!!

K Walton said...

I am the same way! The bad news is once you get glasses, your vision starts to get worse... boo.